
Drought Tolerant Landscaping Los Angeles

Drought Tolerant Landscaping

Drought Tolerant Landscaping | Los Angeles A drought tolerant saves water and maintenance labor. It’s good for the environment, reduce energy, and can protect against wildfires, irrosion and more.

The Best Way To Grow And Care For Bermuda Grass

bermuda grass

Bermuda grass is a warm-season turf grass that is popular in many areas of the United States. It is a tough grass that can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, making it a good choice for many homeowners. If you are considering planting Bermuda grass, here are some tips on how to grow and […]

Drought Tolerance, Drainage, Errosion, Nutrients


Compost, Drought Tolerance, Drainage, Errosion, Nutrients, Life ! 95lbs of compost will absorb and retain 195 lbs of water, helping to make the soil itself more drought tolerant. If we mix blend and suspend this much compost throughout that 6 – 8 inch topsoil / root zone layer, all of this organic matter helps with […]

How to Install Saint Augustine Sod [Step By Step Guide]

Install Saint Augustine Sod

It is getting to that time of year again where the mercury starts to rise and the sun shines a little bit brighter. This can only mean one thing, it is time to start preparing your yard for the hot summer days ahead. One way to do this is by planting some saint Augustine sod. […]

The 3 questions to ask to ensure the best quality

Best Landscaper in Los Angeles, CA The California Contractor’s State License Board recommends that you the customer get at least 3 bids to compare, and I recommend you get at least 3 bids as well; but I want you to ask 3 questions of these other “competitor” contractors’. 1.) Do they Pick Axe before they […]